Well it's been a while since I wrote because we have been so very busy. Work during the week and then so many things to get done on the weekend! However, yesterday after cleaning the house, doing the washing and some gardening I decided to go play with the horses. I decided also to add some more imagination. I backed out the trusty Bronco and hooked up the float took it down to the arena and made a toy out of it. I then went and got Star and decided we would play with the float. See it's not about the float! Is it!
We played and got lots done, I had watched the recent Savvy Club DVD again that goes through Horsenalities and so I played more provocatively and it worked. Star being innately a LBE made huge progress. We got more sideways then ever. I asked less and got more, I think before in sideways I have been too "light" in my suggestions. When I wasn't I got more and from further. I noticed that the initial ask needed to be straight to the point and it was almost as if he said, "Oh you mean this?"
After playing all around the float he actually offered to go in and then when I asked him not to this blew him away! Ah hah! Then as he was so calm, inquisitive and obedient I got on bareback and bridless and practiced some patterns. He actually got follow the rail after about 2 minutes. Then we played in the corners and did backups and he really seemed to like it. He even blew and sighed. I was so proud of him. I even trotted him, when using the fluidity techniques I actually was able to sit his trot, which is big, and he lengthened markedly at both the trot and the walk!
Meanwhile in the bottom paddock Scout was having a complete meltdown. He could see us fine so it was more like jealousy. When I hopped on Scout went beserk and tore around the paddock at break neck speed, solving my thoughts of how I was going to get him fit! He really seemed openly annoyed/upset that I was riding Star. When I went back to the paddock I ended up playing with Scout for 10 minutes. It was all he wanted and seemed calmer afterwards. He is such a mixed up boy! But he is a darn sight better than this time last year!
I was so happy and am so happy with how Star is going and how much he is changing.
I am completely convinced that with PNH most horses who have been challenging...in the right hands can become partners. I am certainly finding that anyway!
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