Well the weather is set to bake the land for the next week. 4 days over 40 degrees is seeing us become nocturnal and the horses seek shade!
Last night I puddled around with the horses, they like being with me now. So wonderful.
Star is becoming very calm and quiet, almost ridable! This time last year he was running into trees in a right brain kinda way. He couldn't cope and would run and run until he got puffed out, or distracted! Now I know what to do when this horse turns up and he spends less time on adrenaline!
Scout is turning more and more LBI and it's taking all my savvy to get him interested in things. He looks at me asking what's in it for me more often than not now :-) I watch certain DVD's over and over again looking for extra help in tempting him to play and enjoy it.
Querida is learning avidly. Something tells me that she is going to be very special indeed.
My year will be filled with many challenges I am sure. Mostly me overcoming my long held fears. I want to ride but my horses can be challenging and so I don't. I really want to work on my position, relaxation and fluidity. I know it will change, I am taking the time it takes and while doing this I am becoming more and more confident with my horses.
Sooner or later I am sure we will all feel the same. Confident, safe and in tune.
Until next time.
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5 years ago
Hi Julia,
Love your blog!
Your horses are very beautiful also. Jazz was just lovely!
Your comment about overcoming long held fears really hit home with me as I read that section. I have two very LBI's that can switch to RBI's in learning situations, and as I have come along in the PNH program I have realised that while I have been very careful to preserve my horses' learning confidence and thresholds I have pretty much disregarded mine! Something to change in 2009.
So thankyou for being so honest, It's helped me have the courage to feel okay about not riding for now.
Jodie8273 (my Parelli SC user name)
Jodie I know exaclty how you feel and I met my demons head on at the Supa Camp. I had to overcome them and as I did I went through turmoil and a lot of self doubt but in the end I came out feeling ok. I haven't ridden since cause I forgot my girth and only realised when I went to ride about 2 weeks after coming back. There is no shame in not riding..it's just a thought. :-)
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