Thursday, June 26, 2008


Hi there, Well my Level 1 pack arrived. My playing the other night went really well. My style is agricultural but hey it's all about refining. Star seemed to calm as we played. He jacked up when I asked him to play the circling game but I quietly persisted and he then went on and did as I asked. He was so calm afterwards. I then took him for a walk down to the mares I am babysitting. I needed to check their water. We played yo yo when I got close the the trough and he stood and waited for me to calm him in....this took a few gos but he worked out that he could look at the mares from the spot I asked him to stay in. Amazing...when he decided to crowd me I asked him to play the circling game and when he was calm I asked him to yo yo and then stand. I hadn't seen any of the info at that stage and was only going on common sense but it makes sense! I have also been offered an Andalusian gelding by a friend whose mares I am will see how Star goes first. Even Jazz is starting to respond to me which is lovely. She is more aware of the driving game and I have to be careful not to oversensitise her as she's sooo switched on. She's the one who brings Star to me every night....A confidence builder and a half Life is good for me. All my dreams are coming true. I have arrived at a place where I needed a teacher and one came. I have asked the universe to find me a new challenge in work and one came....I have asked to be a more balanced and confident person and the skills are coming to me through my horses.....sounds out there I know but wow I have had a shocker of a year and it's all changing before my eyes like a watercolour painting being filled in!

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