Well I have been a sook with the hot weather. Can't stand it really. So we have had a quiet few days. One thing I have done is gone out in the middle of the night and found them to give them a midnight carrot! I got my level 2 pack and in that I saw something interesting. So I decided I would try it. Break up the pattern of getting carrots around certain times and give them a treat when they least expect it! Jazz was so shocked! She nickers to me when she sees me anyway but at 1am she was most appreciative! Like when you really want a tim tam but you don't have any.....I get that feeling a lot!! Must add them to my shopping list! Star was bemused by this and has since looked at me like I am from Mars! Let me tell you what happened last night. Had a busy day at work and thought I would spend undemanding time with them. So I have moved the paddocks they are in to give their usual ones a break. I call them into the smaller house paddocks each night. They each get a paddock and I can keep an eye on them. Well last night I just closed the gate over in the paddock they were in and didn't lock it with the chain. BIG MISTAKE!!! Jazz decided I was too slow and so opened the gate and then decided to go look and see if the other gate to her paddock was open. Nope so she then decided seeing as the gate to the stables was open that must be where I wanted her to go. So off she went (at speed)!! With Star having a nervous breakdown RBE moment. I thought, I will catch him and then put him in his paddock and go get her. Nope that was not on his plan!! He took off past me, tail up like a flag and carrying on like a pork chop. Didn't follow Jazz to the stables...oh no...he shot up the drive and out the gate and onto our access road....sparks flying cause he's shod he made his way to Jazz and then did an impressive slide stop wearing about 6 weeks off his shoes and then stopped. As this thought crossed my mind he put it in to action! I thought, thank god he hasn't gone towards the main road....and he thought...I mght just go up the road and see what's there.....so there am I in my shorts and gumboots sprinting up the drive to head him off at the pass! Disaster averted I got him to think about herbing down the drive...tail still up RBE in full swing...very spectacular to watch. Whew, he actually turned and looked at me after about 20 metres as if to say where to now?? I turned back towards the gate, that by now was safely shut, and walked away from him....he followed me!! Cool I thought till he let out an almighty snort and then I knew he was really having a hard time with all this...so I walked back to him friendly as and put my savvy string over his neck and he allowed me to put him safely into his paddock. Meanwhile MissJazz was having her own RBE moment which was fun to watch. She, not to be outdone, was tail up, head cocked on the side and prancing around like a mare of 10 not 24!! So with them both safely away I had a chance to rethink my laziness and thank my lucky stars that nothing happened! This morning I was up at 6am it was dark, foggy and raining....hard to find the horses but eventually I did and they remembered the 1am carrot and so draw was not an issue...I actually nearly got mugged!! If it wasn't for my trusty savvy helicopter I think I would have been mugged for sure! It was like Linda says...Hand over the treats and no-one will get hut! They were both like that LOL!! SO tonight I am going to play level 2 stuff....have watched half the first DVD in level 2 and it looks awesome...I have savvy arrows as well, lots of them. Also on the weekend I have another RBE coming to stay for a while, he was at the Level 1 clinic and was too much for his owner, he looked suspiciously like my horse and so I thought he looked ok. At this stage I am his custodian until May when we'll work out where his future should be. If nothing else having 3 horses to play with will keep my super busy!!
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